
Bosses Update

Erratic Bosses
  • New Bosses have been added:
Orcish Robber Borgakh​ Rebel Angel Harut​ Grazing Spirit Veda​
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  • Their spawn time is random, from Monday to Friday, between 00:00 and 18:00.
  • Their stats and droplists are similar to Epic Bosses.
  • All clans can fight for these Bosses, without requiring to be registered for any specific type of Boss through the Boss Hunting system.
  • Share Location, My Teleport and Revenge are available.

Guardian Bosses

  • A new Guardian Boss has been added:
Dwarven Protector Regin​
  • Dwarven Protector Regin spawn from Monday to Friday, at 21:00.
  • To fight for this Boss, it's required to be registered for Guardian Bosses through the Boss Hunting system.

Other Changes

  • Fixed an issue where the new Game Assistant - Stores option was not displayed in the RU client.
  • The Cunning Rabbit's Luck buff now applies to all party members.
  • Fixed an issue where Elite Soldiers would not spawn if the Morgos' Officer was killed far from his spawn point (Morgos' Military Base).