
[07.03.2025] Game Content Update

Enchant/Compound Level Limits Update

The following items enchant/compound level limits will be updated:
  • gran-kains-pendant.png Gran Kain's Pendant +2 → +3

L-Coins Update

  • The daily limit of L-Coins obtainable by hunting monsters will be increased from 690.000 to 730.000 L-Coins. L-Coins will drop more frequently.
  • The amount of L-Coins received when opening a Chest: L-Coins, Enhanced Daily Kit: Supplies (Sealed) and 
    Enhanced Daily Kit: Boost (Sealed) will be increased from 276.000 to 292.000 L-Coins.

Chest Update

  • A new Chest will be added to the game: tactical-chest.png Treasures of Hojo (Sealed).

Arcane Strongboxes

  • The Adena fee requested when opening Arcane Strongboxes will be changed:
    • Lv. 93+: 1.000.000 → 1.050.000 Adena.

Shiny Chest Bundle

  • A Shiny Chest Bundle will be available at the L2 Store:
Category Product Purchase limit Price
tactical-chest-shiny.png Shiny Treasures of Hojo (Sealed) - 1.000 pcs.
Up to 1 per account 25 Balance
  • A Shiny Chest is an improved version of the current Chest. They can only be obtained by purchasing a Shiny Chest Bundle at the L2 Store.
  • The obtanining chance for valuable items or the amount of normal items obtained within a Shiny Chest are increased compared to a Chest (while the obtanining chance for low-value consumable items is reduced).

L-Coin Store Update

Ancient Adena Store
  • The following products will become available:
Item Purchase Limit per Account Price
doll-summon-coupon-enhanced-superior-11-time.png Doll Summon Coupon (Enhanced - Superior) - 11-time (Sealed)
5 pcs. 500 Ancient Adena
rare-accessory-coupon.png Rare Accessory Coupon (Sealed)
18 pcs. 100 Ancient Adena
scroll-enchant-rare-accesories-sealed.png Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories (Sealed)
3 pcs. 2000 Ancient Adena
+5-frost-lord-weapon-coupon.png +5 Sealed Frost Lord Weapon Coupon (Sealed)
1 pc. 3000 Ancient Adena
+5-rare-accessory-coupon.png +5 Rare Accessory Coupon (Sealed)
1 pc. 18000 Ancient Adena

Special Craft Update

Adventurer's Coupon
  • The Adena fee requested when exchanging Adventurer's Coupons will be changed: 850.000 → 900.000 Adena (per Adventurer's Coupon).

Stable Enchant Scrolls

  • Added new items called Stable Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon/ Armor.
  • Can be used to enchant items from +7 and higher.
  • Enchant chances using Stable Enchant Scrolls are detailed in the following table:
Enchant Level Enchant Chance: Weapons Enchant Chance: Armors
+7 → +8 1% 1%
+8 → +9 0.5% 0.5%
+9 → +10 0.2% 0.2%
  • In case of failure, the enchant value remains the same.
  • Cannot be used for mass enchanting.
  • Guaranteed Enchant system is available.

Special Craft
  • The following items to craft will be added:
Category Items to Craft Crafting fee
Misc. →
Enchant scrolls
35% stable-scroll-enchant-a-grade-weapon-sealed.png Stable Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon (Sealed) - 1 pc.
65% improved-scroll-enchant-a-grade-weapon-sealed.png Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon (Sealed) - 1 pc.
transcendent-upgrade-stone-sealed.png Transcendent Upgrade Stone (Sealed) - 1 pc.
scroll-of-blessing-weapon-sealed.png Scroll of Blessing - Weapon (Sealed) - 10 pcs.
improved-scroll-enchant-a-grade-weapon-sealed.png Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon (Sealed) - 2 pcs.
adena.png Adena x250.000.000
Misc. →
Enchant scrolls
35% stable-scroll-enchant-a-grade-armor-sealed.png Stable Scroll: Enchant A-grade Armor (Sealed) - 1 pc.
65% improved-scroll-enchant-a-grade-armor-sealed.png Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Armor (Sealed) - 1 pc.
transcendent-upgrade-stone-sealed.png Transcendent Upgrade Stone (Sealed) - 1 pc.
scroll-of-blessing-armor-sealed.png Scroll of Blessing - Armor (Sealed) - 4 pcs.
improved-scroll-enchant-a-grade-armor-sealed.png Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Armor (Sealed) - 2 pcs.
adena.png Adena x100.000.000
Misc. → Misc. 100% transcendent-upgrade-stone-sealed.png Transcendent Upgrade Stone (Sealed) - 1 pc.
transcendent-upgrade-stone.png Transcendent Upgrade Stone - 1 pc.
Misc. → Misc. 100% scroll-of-blessing-weapon-sealed.png Scroll of Blessing - Weapon (Sealed) - 1 pc.
scroll-of-blessing-weapon.png Scroll of Blessing - Weapon - 1 pc.
Misc. → Misc. 100% scroll-of-blessing-armor-sealed.png Scroll of Blessing - Armor (Sealed) - 1 pc.
scroll-of-blessing-armor.png Scroll of Blessing - Armor - 1 pc.
Misc. → Misc. 100% improved-scroll-enchant-a-grade-weapon-sealed.png Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon (Sealed) - 1 pc.
improved-scroll-enchant-a-grade-weapon.png Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Weapon - 1 pc.
Misc. → Misc. 100% improved-scroll-enchant-a-grade-armor-sealed.png Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Armor (Sealed) - 1 pc.
improved-scroll-enchant-a-grade-armor.png Improved Scroll: Enchant A-grade Armor - 1 pc.

Expanse Rune

  • The Expanse Rune will be improved:
Item Description
expanse-rune.png Expanse Rune Lv. 5
P./ M. Atk. +500
Atk. Spd. +50
Casting Spd. +50
Speed +5
PvE damage +7%
Absorbs 3% of the inflicted damage as MP (with a certain chance).
  • Players who already own the Expanse Rune will receive the upgraded version directly in their inventories.
  • Expanse Rune Lv. 5 remains permanently.