
[14.02.2025] Game Content Update

Enchant/Compound Level Limits Update

The following items enchant/compound level limits will be updated:
  • heavenly-cloak.png Heavenly Cloak +1 → +2

L-Coins Update

  • The daily limit of L-Coins obtainable by hunting monsters will be increased from 570.000 to 610.000 L-Coins. L-Coins will drop more frequently.
  • The amount of L-Coins received when opening a Chest: L-Coins, Enhanced Daily Kit: Supplies (Sealed) and 
    Enhanced Daily Kit: Boost (Sealed) will be increased from 228.000 to 244.000 L-Coins.

Chest Update

  • A new Chest will be added to the game: heated-chest.png Treasures of Eitoku (Sealed).
  • The following item will be added as possible reward:
    • +5 Sealed Unique Armor Coupon (Sealed)

Arcane Strongboxes

  • The Adena fee requested when opening Arcane Strongboxes will be changed:
    • Lv. 92+: 1.000.000 → 1.050.000 Adena.

Shiny Chest Bundle

  • A Shiny Chest Bundle will be available at the L2 Store:
Category Product Purchase limit Price
heated-chest-shiny.png Shiny Treasures of Eitoku (Sealed) - 500 pcs.
Up to 1 per account 25 Balance
  • A Shiny Chest is an improved version of the current Chest. They can only be obtained by purchasing a Shiny Chest Bundle at the L2 Store.
  • The obtanining chance for valuable items or the amount of normal items obtained within a Shiny Chest are increased compared to a Chest (while the obtanining chance for low-value consumable items is reduced).

L2 Store Update

  • The following products will be improved:
Item Changes
daily-kit-supplies-enhanced.png Enhanced Daily Kit: Supplies (Sealed)
The following received item quantities will be increased:
spirit-rune-sealed.png Spirit Rune (Sealed) - 4 pcs. → 8 pcs.
dye-booster.png Dye Booster (Sealed) - 20 pcs. → 40 pcs.
hidden-power-booster-sealed.png Hidden Power Booster (Sealed) - 40 pcs. → 60 pcs.
scroll-enchant-stats.png Scroll: Enchant Stats (Sealed) - 10 pcs. → 20 pcs.
transformation-scroll.png Eva's Transformation Scroll (Sealed) - 10 pcs. → 20 pcs.
sayhas-blessing-scroll.png Sayha's Blessing Scroll (Sealed) - 20 pcs. → 40 pcs.
daily-kit-boost-enhanced.png Enhanced Daily Kit: Boost (Sealed)
The following received item quantities will be increased:
doll-summon-coupon-common-superior-11-time.png Doll Summon Coupon (Common - Superior) - 11-time (Sealed) - 1 pc. → 3 pcs.
soul-crystal-coupon.png Soul Crystal Coupon (Sealed) - 20 pcs. → 60 pcs.
augmenting-stone-coupon-sealed.png Augmenting Stone Coupon (Sealed) - 40 pcs. → 60 pcs.

L-Coin Store Update: Ancient Adena Store

  • The following products will become available:
Item Purchase Limit per Account Price
doll-summon-coupon-enhanced-superior-11-time.png Doll Summon Coupon (Enhanced - Superior) - 11-time (Sealed)
3 pcs. 700 Ancient Adena
rare-accessory-coupon.png Rare Accessory Coupon (Sealed)
14 pcs. 100 Ancient Adena
scroll-enchant-rare-accesories-sealed.png Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories (Sealed)
2 pcs. 2000 Ancient Adena
+6-boss-weapon-coupon.png +6 Boss Weapon (Sealed) Coupon (Sealed)
1 pc. 7000 Ancient Adena
+5-unique-armor-coupon.png +5 Sealed Unique Armor Coupon (Sealed)
1 pc. 14000 Ancient Adena

Special Craft Update: Adventurer's Coupon

  • The Adena fee requested when exchanging Adventurer's Coupons will be changed: 750.000 → 775.000 Adena (per Adventurer's Coupon).

New Event: Valentine's Day

  • Event period: February 14 ~ February 21.

L-Coin Store
  • The following gift will be available:
Category Item Level Limit Purchase Limit Sale Period Price
Event and Offers
valentine-gift-box.png Valentine Gift Box (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Double-click to obtain the following items:
doll-summon-coupon-heroic-1-time-sealed.png Doll Summon Coupon (Heroic) - 1 time (Sealed) - 1 pc.
doll-summon-coupon-enhanced-superior-11-time.png Doll Summon Coupon (Enhanced - Superior) - 11-time (Sealed) - 5 pcs.
ancient-adena.png Ancient Adena x5.000
91+ 1 time per account 14/02 ~ 21/02 1 Adena

Event Mission
  • Once a day, you can complete a mission and receive useful rewards:
Name Target Characteristics Rewards
Valentine's Day Hunt Daily event mission. A reward is given for killing any 3000 monsters. Monters that are lower than you for more than 15 levels do not count. Type: Daily Mission
Level: 91+
valentines-day-buff-scroll.png Valentine's Day Buff Scroll (Time-limited)(Sealed) - 3 pcs.
doll-summon-coupon-common-superior-11-time.png Doll Summon Coupon (Common - Superior) - 11 time (Sealed) - 1 pc.

Valentine's Day Buff Scroll
  • When using the scroll, the character and friendly characters around (within the range of 250) will receive one of three buffs - Attack, Defense or Speed.
  • To get the buff, you don't have to be in a party with the character who used the scroll.
  • Blessing buffs last 60 minutes.
  • Blessing buffs persist after character death.
  • Blessing buffs stack with each other, including the Harmony effect.
Name Description
valentines-day-blessing-attack.png Valentine's Day Blessing - Attack P. Atk. +100
M. Atk. +100
All Critical Damage +1%
All Critical Rate +1%
PvE damage +1%
Acquired XP/ SP +10%
valentines-day-blessing-defense.png Valentine's Day Blessing - Defense Max HP +100
Max MP +100
P. Def. +100
M. Def. +100
PvE damage +1%
Sayha's Grace Consumption -10%
valentines-day-blessing-speed.png Valentine's Day Blessing - Speed Atk. Spd. +10
Casting Spd. +10
Skill Evasion +1%
Speed +1
PvE damage +1%
Acquired Magic Lamp XP +1%
  • Getting the event buffs is accompanied by a distinctive animation:
valentines-day-blessing-attack.png Valentine's Day Blessing - Attack​
valentines-day-blessing-defense.png Valentine's Day Blessing - Defense​
valentines-day-blessing-speed.png Valentine's Day Blessing - Speed​

Harmony when Combining Three Buffs
  • When the three event effects are combined, the Harmony buff is applied on the character.
  • Harmony buff lasts 60 minutes.
  • Harmony buff persists after character death.
Name Description
valentines-day-blessing-harmony.png Valentine's Day Blessing - Harmony Max HP +200
Max MP +200
P. Atk. +200
M. Atk. +200
P. Def. +200
M. Def. +200
Atk. Spd. +20
Casting Spd. +20
All Critical Damage +2%
All Critical Rate +2%
Skill Evasion +2%
Speed +2
PvE damage +2%
Acquired XP/ SP +20%
Sayha's Grace Consumption -20%
Acquired Magic Lamp XP +2%

Item Deletion
  • Event-related items will be deleted upon event finishes.

Event Update: Anubis' Lackeys

  • Event period: Feruary 14 ~ February 28.

Purchasing the Scarab Doll
  • New items are available in the L-Coin Store during the Event:
Category Item Level Limit Purchase Limit Fee
Events and Offers
package-scarab-doll-lv1.png Package: Scarab Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
76+ -
Adena x100.000
Events and Offers
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed)
76+ -
Adena x5.000

Compounding the Scarab Doll
  • Scarab Doll can be enhanced up to Lv. 16 being compounded with Insect Legs.
  • Compounding also requires Adena.
  • If the compound fails, the level of the existing doll is saved.
Materials Success rate Result
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
8% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 2 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 1 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 2 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
7% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 3 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 2 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 3 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
6% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 4 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 3 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 4 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
5% Success scarab-doll.png  Scarab Doll Lv. 5 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 4 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 5 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
4% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 6 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 5 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 6 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
2% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 7 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 6 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 7 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
1.3% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 8 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 7 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 8 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
1% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 9 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 8 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 9 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
0.3% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 10 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 9 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 10 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
0.07% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 11 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png ScarabDoll Lv. 10 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 11 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
0.04% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 12 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 11 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 12 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
0.04% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 13 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 12 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 13 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
0.03% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 14 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 13 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 14 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
0.01% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 15 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 14 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
adena.png Adena x550.000
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 15 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
insect-leg.png Insect Leg (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
0.01% Success scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 16 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1
Failure scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 15 (Time-limited)(Sealed) x1

Exchanging the Scarab Doll for Rewards
  • Starting at Lv. 8, Scarab Doll can be exchanged for useful rewards through the Special Craft, under the category Event → Anubis' Lackeys.
  • Some items can only be crafted once during the entire event period.
Item Quantity Crafting Fee Crafting Limit Lv. Limit
talisman-crystal-sealed.png Talisman Crystal (Sealed) 175 pcs.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 8 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
15 times per account (total) 76+
augmenting-stone-coupon-sealed.png Augmenting Stone Coupon (Sealed)
150 pcs.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 9 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
10 times per account (total) 76+
hidden-power-booster-sealed.png Hidden Power Booster (Sealed) 200 pcs.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 10 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
10 times per account (total) 76+
dye-booster.png Dye Booster (Sealed) 125 pcs.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 10 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
10 times per account (total) 76+
ancient-adena.png Ancient Adena
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 11 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
2 times per account (total) 76+
+5-special-armor-coupon.png +5 Special Armor Coupon (Sealed)
1 pc.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 11 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
3 times per account (total) 76+
rare-accessory-coupon.png Rare Accessory Coupon (Sealed) 7 pcs.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 12 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
5 times per account (total) 76+
soul-crystal-coupon.png Soul Crystal Coupon (Sealed)
600 pcs.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 13 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
6 times per account (total) 76+
scroll-enchant-talisman-of-baium-sealed.png Scroll: Enchant Talisman of Baium (Sealed)
2 pcs.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 13 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
2 times per account (total) 76+
package-enchanted-talisman-of-baium.png Package: Enchanted Talisman of Baium (Time-limited)(Sealed)
1 pc.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 13 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
2 times per account (total) 76+
+5-boss-weapon-coupon.png +5 Boss Weapon Coupon (Sealed)
1 pc.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 13 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
2 times per account (total) 76+
scroll-enchant-rare-accesories-sealed.png Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories (Sealed)
1 pc.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 13 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
4 times per account (total) 76+
improved-scroll-enchant-rare-accesories-sealed.png Improved Scroll: Enchant Rare Accessories (Sealed)
1 pc.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 14 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
1 time per account (total) 76+
+6-armor-of-protection-coupon.png +6 Sealed Armor of Protection Coupon (Sealed)
1 pc.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 15 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
1 time per account (total) 76+
+4-rare-accessory-coupon.png +4 Rare Accessory Coupon (Sealed)
1 pc.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 15 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
1 time per account (total) 76+
scarab-doll-lv16-reward-box.png Scarab Doll Lv. 16 Reward Box III (Sealed)
1 pc.
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 16 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
1 time per account (total) 76+

scarab-doll-lv16-reward-box.png Scarab Doll Lv. 16 Reward Box III (Sealed)
Double-click to obtain various items:


  • Item Description
    superior-doll-summon-coupon-ticket.png Special Heroic Doll Summon Coupon Ticket (Sealed)
    Double-click to obtain 1 Special Heroic Doll Summon Coupon (unexchangeable) of your choice.

    Heroic Kelbim Doll Summon Coupon (Sealed)
    Heroic Andreas van Halter Doll Summon Coupon (Sealed)
    Heroic Glakias Doll Summon Coupon (Sealed)
    Heroic Behemoth Doll Summon Coupon (Sealed)
    Heroic Antharas Doll Summon Coupon (Sealed)
    scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 16 (Event)(Time-limited)(Sealed)
    <Scarab Doll Lv. 16>
    Acquired XP/ SP +40%
    PvE damage +5%
    MEN +1
    CON +1
    WIT +1
    DEX +1
    INT +1
    STR +1
    Received Skill Critical Rate -10%
    Received Skill Critical Damage -10%

    <When triggered: Ancient Barrier>
    With a 5% chance for 5 sec. when hit:
    Resistance to All Weapons +5%
    All received Critical Damage -150
    Speed +10
    (Cooldown: 10 sec.)

    Note: this item cannot be exchanged for any reward. Its only purpose is to provide the passive effects of the Doll, allowing the player to redeem the corresponding reward without having to wait for the end of the event. It will disappear at the end of the event.

Scarab Doll: Additional Effects
  • Starting at Lv. 11, the Scarab Doll gives a passive skill with bonuses.
Item Passive Skill
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 11 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Acquired XP/ SP +5%
MEN +1
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 12 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Acquired XP/ SP +10%
MEN +1
CON +1
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 13 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Acquired XP/ SP +15%
MEN +1
CON +1
WIT +1
Received Skill Critical Rate -1%
Received Skill Critical Damage -1%
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 14 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Acquired XP/ SP +20%
MEN +1
CON +1
WIT +1
DEX +1
Received Skill Critical Rate -2%
Received Skill Critical Damage -2%
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 15 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Acquired XP/ SP +30%
PvE damage +2%
MEN +1
CON +1
WIT +1
DEX +1
INT +1
STR +1
Received Skill Critical Rate -5%
Received Skill Critical Damage -5%
<When triggered: Ancient Barrier>
With a 2% chance for 5 sec. when hit:
Resistance to All Weapons +5%
All received Critical Damage -150
Speed +10
(Cooldown: 10 sec.)
scarab-doll.png Scarab Doll Lv. 16 (Time-limited)(Sealed)
Acquired XP/ SP +40%
PvE damage +5%
MEN +1
CON +1
WIT +1
DEX +1
INT +1
STR +1
Received Skill Critical Rate -10%
Received Skill Critical Damage -10%
<When triggered: Ancient Barrier>
With a 5% chance for 5 sec. when hit:
Resistance to All Weapons +5%
All received Critical Damage -150
Speed +10
(Cooldown: 10 sec.)

Item Deletion
  • Event-related items will be deleted upon event finishes.

Gift Calendar

  • A new period will begin.
  • Event period: February 14 ~ March 21.

Bosses Changes

Solo Bosses
  • The following changes will be applied:
Item Details
Doll Summon Coupon (Rare) - 1 time (Sealed) Item added to the droplist.
Doll Summon Coupon (Common - Rare) - 11-time (Sealed) Drop chance increased.
Spirit Rune (Sealed) Drop chance increased.
Ancient Adena Item added to the droplist. Obtained quantity: x100

Guardian Bosses / Epic Bosses
  • Boss Hunt registration will be removed for all Guardian Bosses, Epic Priests and Epic Bosses.